Unplanned Travel

Why Unplanned Travel is the Best Way to Explore the World

Traveling is one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences in life. It allows us to discover new places, cultures, people, and ourselves. But how do we plan our trips? Do we follow a fixed itinerary, book everything in advance, and stick to the schedule? Or do we leave some room for spontaneity, flexibility, and adventure?

In this blog post, I will argue that unplanned travel is the best way to explore the world. Unplanned travel means that you don’t have a set plan or a rigid agenda for your trip. You don’t know where you will go, what you will do, or who you will meet. You just go with the flow, follow your intuition, and embrace the unexpected.


Here are some of the benefits and examples of unplanned travel:

Unplanned travel makes you more open-minded and adaptable

When you travel without a plan, you are more likely to encounter situations that challenge your assumptions, beliefs, and comfort zone. You have to adapt to different environments, cultures, and lifestyles. You have to deal with uncertainty, ambiguity, and change. You have to learn to communicate, negotiate, and cooperate with people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

These skills are not only useful for traveling, but also for life in general. They make you more open-minded, tolerant, and empathetic. They make you more resilient, resourceful, and creative. They make you more confident, curious, and adventurous.

For example, when I see a text message in whatsapp group chat and call up old buddies, and suddenly there’s a opportunity to meet up in evening for catching up with old times over a couple of drinks. In the process you break the routing and explore new local places. Many a times I had been to nearby cities to meet pals without any specific plan or agenda. I get insights to lot many things in other’s perspective. We discuss the life situations, business ideas and opportunities that are currently clogging our minds and we get unbiased feedback to shape-up the road ahead. Most of the suggestions would require me to get out of comfort zone and learn and do new things.

Unplanned travel gives you more freedom and flexibility

When you travel without a plan, you are not bound by any constraints or expectations. You don’t have to worry about deadlines, budgets, or reviews. You don’t have to follow a predetermined route, visit a specific attraction, or join a group tour. You don’t have to compromise, settle, or miss out.

You have the freedom and flexibility to do whatever you want, whenever you want, and however you want. You can change your mind, change your direction, and change your pace. You can explore, experiment, and improvise. You can stay longer, leave earlier, or come back later. You can be spontaneous, random, and unpredictable.

For example, when I traveled to Nepal, I didn’t have any plan or reservation. I just rented a car and drove around the country. I stopped at any place that caught my eye, whether it was a scenic spot, a historic site, a temple, or a local market in Kathmandu. I ate whatever I felt like, whether it was bananas, paratha, momos, or stir fired veggies. I slept wherever I found a bed, whether it was a hotel, a guest house, or even in the car. I had no idea where I was going, what I was doing, or who I was meeting. I just enjoyed the journey, the scenery, and the surprises.

Unplanned travel creates more opportunities and serendipity

When you travel without a plan, you are more likely to encounter opportunities and serendipity that you would otherwise miss. You are more open to new experiences, connections, and discoveries. You are more receptive to invitations, suggestions, and recommendations. You are more aware of your surroundings, your feelings, and your intuition.

You never know what will happen, who you will meet, or what you will find. You might stumble upon a hidden gem, a local festival, or a secret spot. You might bump into an old friend, a famous celebrity, or a soulmate. You might learn a new skill, a new hobby, or a new passion. You might find a new perspective, a new insight, or a new purpose.

Fly away

I hope this blog post has inspired you to try unplanned travel for your next trip. Unplanned travel is the best way to explore the world because it makes you more open-minded and adaptable, gives you more freedom and flexibility, and creates more opportunities and serendipity. It is also more fun, exciting, and rewarding. So, what are you waiting for? Just pack your bags, book a ticket, and go!


